Everybody knows that presentations and slide shows are the ways to express emotions as well as to present information. They are also the most effective means of data presentation in electronic format and in paper form. Such materials have been used in business environment in Dushanbe as well as by the population of Tajikistan for a long time.
A presentation differs from a slide show in that the first one may be represented both physically and electronically. This means that a presentation may be represented in the form of printed photos, video spots, texts and so on. And slide show may only be presented in electronic format consisting of photos and mini video frames.
Presentations are generally used to represent information about the specific company to clients and associates. They are often used to prepare business reports that are presented to company’s management team.
Мы подготавливаем презентации в форматах:
- PPT (Power Point)
- SWF (Prezi) или NP
- AVI (Photoshou pro)
- MP4 (Adobe spark)
- HD (Vegas)
- Paper (colored).
We create presentations in the formats of PPT, SWF, AVI and in paper (coloured) form.
The price for presentation creation depends on the volume of information and list of requirements. The price for presentation creation starts from 500 somoni and more.
Slide show is effective in that it eternizes the best moments of your or your relatives’ childhood accompanied by background music and special effects, which make a person enjoy the viewing. Slide show may be gifted to your relatives and closest friends as a birthday present and in other cases.
The price for slide show creation depends on the number of photos and technical difficulties of accompaniment by special effects. The price for slide show creation varies from 50 to 300 somoni.