Analysis of operations of a company

A company derives large revenue and the company’s management team considers it to be a good indicator but the situation may be the opposite. By global standards the performance is evaluated by qualitative indicators rather than quantitative.

Analysis of operations of a company is actions that are directed to determinate qualitative indicators of financial activity of a company over a specific period of time. This service is considered to be the most sought-after among our list. Each company does business but its manufacturing performance is evaluated by investors (founders) by key indicators such as the conversion, ROE, ROI, CIR, breakeven point, workload, level of risks and their equivalents.

It is worth noting that currently such type of analysis is made by nobody in Tajikistan except for our company and our specialists have more than 10 years of experience in this area.

For the implementation of this analysis as an information base we use financial performance and data, human resources capacity, statistics and other sources that may be necessary, including Balance Sheet, Earnings Statement, Turnover Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Capital Asset Statement and other sources.

Compilation of the analysis takes at least 2 workweeks and depends on the scope of work, promptness of information provision from client’s part in excel format and the required core quality indicators.

In the view of the results of our work presentation materials in the form of graphs in electronic format and in paper form as well as analytical notes where tabular information is indicated are prepared. The information prepared may be presented in three languages – Tajik, Russian, English and, if necessary, in any other foreign language.

On the basis of the obtained quality indicators of company’s activity the most vulnerable and the most profitable directions are determined; therefore company’s management team (founders) can adopt necessary regulation measures regarding company’s activity.

The price for such type of analysis compilation starts from 15 000 somoni and depends on the number of facts above mentioned.



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