Created a time sheet model for a furniture manufacturing company. In connection with the expansion of the enterprise, the issue of accounting of working hours has become relevant. Often workers came to work late or left work early, but the wages were demanded according to the salary, while on the part of some employees there was no violation of working hours, and this contributed to the manifestation of dissatisfaction on the part of the collective.
Based on this, the Marketing Agency of Tajikistan has created a special model of the timesheet in MS “Excel” format. In this file, on the “Timesheet” page, the person in charge daily / periodically enters the time when this or that employee comes to work in the morning and when he leaves work in the evening. Also, the number of hours spent on eating (lunch / dinner) is recorded in the corresponding columns, and the time that employees have worked in excess of the norm is also recorded.
Thus, on the second sheet of the file called “Salary”, it is automatically calculated how many hours each employee worked for a certain month. We registered all this in formulas, which is convenient to use.
This format in solving the problem is suitable for enterprises with 50-100 employees, but if you use it for enterprises with several thousand employees, this file will cope with the task without problems.
The file has open access for editing, and you can, if necessary, make additions or changes to it, both in automated formulas and in design.
Interested parties can contact us to create a similar or more unique time sheet model for their enterprise or business structure.
File here:> Timesheet_autmatized